How to Create An Engaging Video Series

How to Create An Engaging Video Series

Many businesses these days understand that video is the best way to reach their target market. Videos continue to perform best compared to other types of marketing across all social media channels.

  • Video is the best performing content type on Facebook (Social Media Today)
  • 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support (Hubspot)
  • 88% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social media (Animoto)

While some business owners dream of creating a viral hit, the most effective way to create a return-on-investment for your marketing efforts is by creating consistent video content. You don’t have to create a video podcast to really get noticed. An engaging video series will humanize your business and help gain the trust of your target audience.

Here are 5 types of content you can use to create an engaging video series:

1). Interviews

You can interview employees at your company to give your audience insight into what makes them tick. There’s a reason you hired these people — so by giving them a voice your audience will gain insight into the culture of your company. Employees can answer questions about the work that they do to provide a behind-the-scenes look at how your product is made or the efforts that go into providing a service. Keep it entertaining by asking them to be authentic, share some of their favorite things to do outside work, and even ask them to share a funny story that happened while working at your company.

2). Talk Show

Hosting a talk show can be informal or formal depending on the type of company you run. You can keep it formal by filming guests in a sit-down interview or you can be less formal by filming them at a fun location where they can let loose to discuss what matters to them. A talk show is a great way to build likability and trust with your audience. People are craving a close-up look at real business owners who are candid and thoughtful. Be sure to provide helpful advice on a topic that of interest to your target audience. It’s super important to create a format for your show so viewers know what to expect on each episode. Creating a format for your talk show shows you are serious about getting out content and want them to keep coming back for more.

3). How-To-Series

People are always in need of learning something new. Learning and improving is what makes humans tick. So, as a video marketer, one of the most compelling ways you can capture your audience’s attention is by giving them the information they are searching for. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and literally every second someone is searching for how-to videos to gain knowledge. By producing “how-to” videos you will showcase your specialized knowledge and expertise.

4). Behind-the-Scenes

Showcasing how your business operates will help build likability and trust with your audience because you are opening their eyes to how your product or service is made before it goes out into the world. If you run a food business, you can show how different dishes are made and discuss the ingredients you choose. If you make software, you can make entertaining tutorials that give an overview of how to use your product. If you provide a service such as real estate, financial consulting, or fitness coaching you can shoot a mini-documentary with some of your clients with real footage of their struggles and the solution you provide. You can use the documentary footage to show how to get the best client experience.

5). Case Studies

Case studies are very powerful way to build your brand reputation. Audiences can’t dispute what they see before their eyes. Similar to the behind the scenes videos, case studies are documentary style and provide an authentic look at your client’s experience. You can have your clients give testimonials on screen that provide credibility for your product or service. Case studies are powerful because they contain a story of how you solved a particular problem for your client. Humans are influenced by the power of story so giving them a case study should answer all their objections to why they might not want to purchase your product or service.

There are many other types of videos you can create for a video series. But, these are the top 5 ways you can bring a lot of exposure to your business. By providing an episodic format with interesting and relatable content, your viewers will become fascinated with your business or brand. Don’t worry if you don’t see a large number of views right away. By releasing your videos on a regular release schedule (weekly or bi-weekly) viewers will soon anticipate tuning in to see what they can learn from you. Be sure to ask your fans to engage with your videos by providing comments and give them a reason to signup for your email list by offering free content in exchange for their email address.

I would love to hear what videos you create for your customers. Shoot me an email with any questions and let me know if you need any help.