Attract Brand Advocates With Relationship Marketing + Video Content

Attract Brand Advocates With Relationship Marketing + Video Content

Relationship marketing is a well known type of marketing that builds loyalty with your potential clients. I like to think of relationship marketing as building long term friendships. Most business owners have the experience of developing a friendship with someone who shares your interests and gets to know what services you provide. Often those friends will turn into clients because you’ve built a relationship on solid like-ability and trust.

Normally friends enjoy hearing from you often — if they feel ignored or you are not showing up for them the friendship starts to dwindle.

Here are four benefits to releasing consistent, compelling video content that deeply resonates with your target audience:

1). Brand Awareness

As you likely already know, in order for people to do business with you — they need to know, like, and trust you. Every social media network these days favors video in their algorithm because audiences crave video content more than anything else. So, by using video marketing, you give audiences the chance to decide whether they like your unique personality and whether they align with your business services. Over time, your audience will crave the video content you share because they trust your knowledge or simply enjoying hearing from you.

In everyday life, it’s hard to believe you are cared about if your friend never shows up. When you show up on video you increase the opportunity for your audience to see you shine. Showing up with a photo post on social media or a graphic post will not generate a huge reach like video content does, so your audience may not believe you truly care about the problems they want to solve.

2). SEO

Video is great for SEO (search engine optimization) and it’s free. By making videos that harness the power of SEO on YouTube — you can show up on the 1st page of Google search results. I’ve had several of my videos show up on Page One of Google within 24 hours of posting a video.

It could take months or years for a website or blog post to show up on Page One of Google. Plus, when you are a small business owner, you may not have a large budget for advertising. By using YouTube keyword research on your videos you can increase the chances of showing up on Google. Lots of aspiring YouTubers make the mistake of never putting time into SEO. I completely understand that video creation takes a lot of time and energy — therefore it is a waste if no one gets to see your videos.

Your potential customers are searching for you — video SEO helps you get found much quicker to get in front of people you can directly serve.

3). Storytelling

Storytelling is a primal way for people to connect with their “tribe”. People are attracted to brands that they feel emotionally attached to. A brand story video can help create that emotional bond with your audience.

Build an emotional connection with your audience by sharing what your brand stands for, why you were inspired to build your business, and why others should join your mission. When you share from your heart, you are more likely to attract your most ideal clients who really care about your mission.

4). Lead Generation

You can use videos in your social media ads to generate leads for your business. People on social media are more likely to engage with videos. They engage with videos more often than other types of content via organic posts — so of course they are more likely to engage with your video ads.

You don’t have to actually “promote” a product or service you have in your ads. Your video ads can be educational videos that help people with valuable information and still generate leads from those video ads.

Relationship marketing and video marketing are about playing the long game. When you choose to implement video marketing consistently, your audience will develop a bond with your brand and become an advocate. You’ll be discovered by a new group of people everyday because videos don’t disappear quickly — your video content can be discovered for weeks or years on end (depending on which social media website you are using). They will be waiting for your next piece of video content because they understand your business is best suited to solve their issues.